Wyoming Game and Fish Hands Out 100 Cans of Bear Spray to Local Hunters

(CODY, WY, October 2, 2015) — On Wednesday the Game and Fish handed out 100 cans of bear spray to Cody area hunters. The effort was made possible due to a grant from Wyoming Outdoorsmen and Yellowstone Country Bear Hunters Association

Dusty Lasseter, bear wise community coordinator for Game and Fish said that to receive a free can of bear spray, local hunters were asked for input about grizzly bears and bear safety.

“This was a great opportunity to directly interact with hunters and assess our Bear Wise program. We want to continue to increase our efficiency and informational efforts to promote bear awareness and reduce the potential for conflicts,” Lasseter said.

Hunters who picked up a can of bear spray also had the opportunity to practice with inert training cans and talk with local large carnivore biologists.

“Bear spray is an effective deterrent in an aggressive bear encounter and we hope this effort will raise awareness and remind those hunting in bear country to be prepared and stay safe,” Lasseter said. “This is an excellent illustration of Wyoming sportsmen stepping up to increase awareness and safety in bear country.”

-Press Release from Wyoming Game and Fish Department

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