Townhall Meeting Scheduled for Rock Springs Oct. 15th to Discuss Army National Guard Unit Changes

CHEYENNE, WY – A townhall meeting will be held in Rock Springs and Laramie Oct. 15 to discuss Wyoming Army National Guard unit changes and moves in those towns.

The meeting will be held at the local armories in each town to give the public an opportunity to ask questions to senior Wyoming Army Guard leadership.

The current unit assigned to Rock Springs, the 1041st Multi-role Bridge Company, will be deactivated and a platoon from the 133rd Engineer Company out of Laramie will be assigned that armory.

These moves are part of a state-wide restructuring and re-stationing effort within the Wyoming Army National Guard.

The townhall meetings will be held at 11 a.m. in Rock Springs and 4 p.m. in Laramie.

For further information about the unit moves, visit the Wyoming Military Departments webpage, or the agency’s Facebook at