Rock Springs Main Street/URA Adopts “Vision 2020” Plan for Downtown Rock Springs

Rock Springs, WY The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency (URA) has finalized their long-range plan for Downtown Rock Springs.  Dubbed “Vision 2020,” the plan sets goals and objectives for the downtown area that can be accomplished by December 31, 2020.

According to Main Street/URA chairman Drew Varley, they looked for ideas from the community about what they’d like to see accomplished in the next five-plus years.  “We asked for community input and got lots of ideas in person, via email and Facebook.  Those ideas were then pared down to what we felt we could accomplish in the next few years with our projected budget,” Varley said.

Now that the plan has been developed, each objective will be assigned to one of the Rock Springs Main Street/URA’s committees for implementation and further development.

“The committees will be responsible for developing a budget for each step and bringing that to the board,” Varley added.

While the Vision 2020 plan sets out a scope for the coming years, Varley was clear to point out that it’s intended to be a working, living document.

“As the years go by, projects and priorities may shift and budgeting issues may require changes to the plan.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but we wanted to make sure we have a basic framework for moving Downtown Rock Springs forward,” Varley said.

The full plan can be review at under the “About” section heading.

The Rock Springs Main Street/URA is charged with the redevelopment of Downtown Rock Springs.  As part of their mission, there are four standing committees – Economic Restructuring, Organization, Promotions and Design.  Further details about the Rock Springs Main Street/URA can be found at their website ( or by contacting them at 307-352-1434.