Rock Springs and Green River City Wide Cleanups Saturday

The 14th Annual Rock Springs City Wide Clean Up and the Green River City Wide Clean will take place Saturday.  Both the Rock Springs and Green River Chambers of Commerce are still signing up volunteers and businesses to participate in both city clean-ups.

Green Rivers Clean Up Day will begin at 8:00 am and continue to 11:00 am.  Volunteers are asked to meed at the Green River Visitors Center on Flaming Gorge Way to be assigned an area.  Gloves and bags will be provided as well as breakfast.  To sign up online for the Green River cleanup visit  Also, shredding bins will be available at the Green River Chamber now through May 31st and on Clean Up Day. Residents are welcome to bring the materials they need shredded to the Green River Chamber during that time. Please be advised this is on a first come first serve basis in case the bins do fill up.

The Rock Springs Cleanup will also start next Saturday morning at 8:00 am and will conclude with a free lunch, with raffle drawings, at the Young at Heart Senior Center beginning at 1:00 pm.  According to the Rock Springs Chamber Facebook, teams can sign up at the Chamber office on Dewar Drive..  Gloves, bags and water will be provided. For information, contact the Rock Springs Chamber at 362-3771 or at 1897 Dewar Drive.