Pivic Family To Match Contributions Made To URA Kickstarter Campaign

arcymural3The recently announced Kickstarter campaign to raise money for murals in Downtown Rock Springs just got a boost from a local family.


Bruce and Carla Pivic, owners of Infinity Power and Controls and WyoRadio, have committed to match contributions made to the campaign, dollar for dollar, up to the $7500 goal.

Bruce said they’re helping with the project because they love the new energy in Downtown Rock Springs.

“Growing up here, Carla and I remember Downtown as a vibrant community center and we’re excited to help bring it back to its glory days,” he said.

Bruce and Carla Pivic

Bruce and Carla Pivic

The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency announced their very first Kickstarter campaign on September 7, 2016 with a goal to raise $7,500 to complete a minimum of two new murals in Downtown Rock Springs over the next 12 months. Since its launch, the campaign has raised over $1,300, as of September 13th.

Once the funding goal is reached, the Rock Springs Main Street/URA will send out a “call for artists” over the fall/winter to allow prospective artists time to submit their ideas for the identified projects. They plan to select artists in the spring for a late spring/early summer installation of the murals.

Contributions of any amount are appreciated, and there are thank you gifts and recognition for larger contributions.  The $7,500 goal must be reached by September 30, 2016 in order to be funded.

Anyone can contribute to the Kickstarter campaign via the website:
