New Platte Valley Habitat Speaker Series

SARATOGA – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is pleased to announce a series of free public presentations that will address various wildlife habitat topics in the Platte Valley.

The Valley Habitat Speaker Series will be held bi-monthly throughout the Platte Valley beginning in November. “This is a way for us to help educate Platte Valley residents about some of the wildlife work and research underway in the Valley, as well as other wildlife topics that may be of interest,” said Robin Kepple, information specialist for the Game and Fish Department’s Laramie Region.

The first speaker will be Lindsy Ciepiela, a master’s student at the University of Wyoming, and her presentation on Estimating Salmonid Movement in the Upper North Platte River. Ciepiela’s current research uses information stored in a fish’s otolith (ear-bone) to estimate movement patterns and stream of origin of brown and rainbow trout located in the North Platte River.

This free presentation will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12 at the Saratoga Town Hall, 110 E. Spring Ave. in Saratoga. Presentations will rotate between different communities in the Platte Valley. Future topics include elk habitat, waterfowl habitat, birding in the Valley, amphibians and reptiles, and more. Each presentation will be about an hour long, with time at the end for questions from the audience. For more information contact Robin Kepple at (307) 777-4523.