New Lander East Rawlins Game Wardens

Lander Dillon Herman and Brady Frude have new game warden districts for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Herman is in East Rawlins and Frude in Lander. Wyoming game wardens are responsible for wildlife law enforcement and education, damage and prevention, data collection, and wildlife management duties.

Herman was born in Fort Collins, CO, and moved to Cody as a child. He grew up riding and packing horses; working in the wilderness areas of the Absaroka Mountains as a camp jack and spraying noxious weeds horseback in summer and winter ranges for deer, elk, and bighorn sheep.  After graduating from Cody High School, he earned a bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Biology and Management from the University of Wyoming in the fall of 2012. The following summer he inspected boats for the Aquatic Invasive Species program in Cody and was a brucellosis technician that fall in the Bighorn Mountains. Herman completed the Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy in July 2014 and was stationed in Green River before being transferred to Cheyenne and as of September 1 transferred to the East Rawlins district.

“Pursuing a career as a Wyoming Game Warden is one of the best decisions I’ve made, though I’m quickly finding out the responsibilities of a district warden can be very demanding. I am excited to be involved with the community as one of the Rawlins game wardens, and I will strive to do my best to work with the community, local non-profits, and other state and federal agencies to conserve wildlife and serve the people of Wyoming.” He replaces Brady Frude who transferred to Lander in August.

Frude is a native of Laramie and graduated from Casper College with associate degrees in biology and wildlife management in 2004 and 2005, respectively, followed by a bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Wyoming in 2006. He began his career in wildlife with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) as a wildlife technician working on a bighorn sheep project in Hell’s Canyon.   Frude also worked for ODFW as a wildlife habitat technician, improving bighorn sheep and mule deer habitat along the Lower Deschutes River in north-central Oregon, and as a wildlife area technician, feeding wintering elk and black-tailed deer on the White River Wildlife Area.

Frude began his career with the Wyoming Game and Fish as a fisheries technician in the Casper region in 2009. He then attended the thirteen-week Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy and became certified as a Wyoming peace officer. His career as a game warden began in August 2010 and he was promoted to the West Rawlins district in November 2011. He brings his wife, Candice, and their three daughters to Lander.

“My family and I are so excited for the many great opportunities the Lander community provides. This warden district is incredibly diverse, ranging from the mixed sagebrush steppe of the Red Desert to the alpine country along the continental divide in the southern Winds. The culture and history around here is just as diverse, and I look forward to meeting and interacting with the many constituents and sportsmen in what I consider to be the best warden district in this incredible state.”

You can contact Herman at 307-324-2973 and Frude at 307-332-2704.