New Businesses, Attendance, and Investments Highlight URA Report

Image from the 2015 URA Annual Report

Image from the 2015 URA Annual Report

ROCK SPRINGS – The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency (URA) recently released their 2015 annual report.RS Airport

URA Manager Chad Banks said one of the highlights is the opening of fourteen new businesses and the expansion of two others in the downtown area. Banks said these new businesses created 21 new full-time jobs and five new part-time jobs downtown.

Other highlights include:

  • Restoration of the Freight Station and opening of Bunning Hall
  • Annual attendance topping 9,500 at 67 public and private events at the Broadway Theater
  • Awarding of over $10,000 in façade and paint grants to Downtown business owners
  • Adoption of the Vision 2020 plan for Downtown Rock Springs
  • Installation of the Art Underground Gallery
  • Completion of renovations to Bank Court
  • Receipt of grant funds from the Wyoming Main Street program

In addition, the URA saw a private investment of nearly $350,000 downtown.

“Those are private dollars that go to rehabbing buildings, getting businesses up and running, and so forth,” said Banks,  “And when they’re investing that kind of money locally here, that money also goes to local contractors… it helps the local employment figures too.”

The full report can be downloaded here, from the Rock Springs Main Street/URA’s website, or picked up at their office, 603 S Main Street.