Dunraven Pass in Eastern Yellowstone to Remain Open Until October 19th

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK — The road over Dunraven Pass on the eastern side of Yellowstone will remain OPEN about one week longer than originally planned this fall. The Grand Loop Road from Tower Fall to Canyon Junction will now remain open (weather permitting) until 8:00 am on Monday, October 19, 2015.

With the forecast for favorable weather conditions for another couple of weeks, and on-going road construction on the western side of the park, Yellowstone managers have decided to delay closing this section of road to allow drivers to travel this easterly route for an extra week this year.

As always, the road may be closed at any time if weather conditions change and the pass becomes unsafe. For up to date information on Yellowstone roads, check http://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/parkroads.htm or call 307-344-2117.