Domestic Violence Candlelight Vigil to be held tonight at Bunning Hall Freight Station

(ROCK SPRINGS, OCTOBER 29, 2015) — In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The YWCA Sweetwater County Family Justice Center is holding its 21st annual Candlelight Vigil tonight at 6:00 p.m. located at the Bunning Hall Freight Station in Downtown Rock Springs.

The names of domestic violence victims whose lives have been taken will be read off and a candle will be lit for each of them. Statistics and information where a person can seek help will be presented, and victims of domestic violence will also get the chance to tell their story.

Aimee Gatzke, Director of the Family Justice Center explains, “These victims are not alone. There’s other people out there; there’s other victims. There’s people to support them. A lot of times victims feel isolated and they don’t know how to get help, but there is help out there.”

The Family Justice Center and Support and Safehouse is a great place to go for those seeking help or shelter from a domestic violence situation. Many different agencies are available to help victims to include law enforcement, legal aide, mental health, and advocates. Gatzke explains that many times legal aid will attend court hearings and assist with legal issues such as child support, and the advocates are also there to help with things such as protective orders.

No victim is ever alone, and if a person finds themselves in a domestic violence situation, there is help. If you or a person you know is battling with domestic violence, visit the Family Justice Center and Support and Safehouse on 725 “C” Street.

“Supporting fighters, admiring the survivors, honoring the taken, and never ever giving up hope.”


2015 Family Justice Center Clients

  • January – 59
  • February – 46
  • March – 65
  • April – 59
  • May – 52
  • June – 77
  • July – 70
  • August – 75
  • September – 79

*2014 Domestic Violence incidents in Sweetwater County reported to National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) by law enforcement – 225

DomV Incidents by Month in Wyoming (from NNEDV)

  • January – 179
  • February – 190
  • March – 191
  • April – 234
  • May – 230
  • June – 228
  • July – 224
  • August – 234
  • September – 193
  • October – 225
  • November – 226
  • December – 237

Family Justice Center