GRHS Seniors Caught In Prank Will Walk In Graduation Ceremony

Senior students caught in a senior prank gone wrong at Green River High School will be allowed to walk in their graduation ceremony provided they participate in community service.


Sweetwater County School District # 2 Superintendent Donna Little-Kaumo said today that the decision was reached at about 4:30 p.m.

While Little-Kaumo could not go into specifics of the community service required, she did say the final motion was passed unanimously by the board members present at today’s meeting. Board member John Malone was absent and therefore did not vote on the motion.

The final motion in today’s meeting was:

Upon further review and consideration of the particular situation, students will be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony, subject to community service.”

The special meeting came after several senior boys were caught attempting to pull a senior prank early Monday morning.

According to Green River Police Chief Chris Steffen, the Green River Police Department was called to Green River High School at about 2:30 a.m. Monday and found that multiple male students were in the process of entering the school. Steffen says at least some of the students entered the school via a hatch on the roof and some students were still on the roof when officers arrived.

Police made contact with seven senior boys who said their intent was to write things like “Class of 2016” on the school’s windows with dry erase markers and to place alarm clocks in classrooms. Six of the seven seniors police spoke with were legal adults and the other was 17 years old.

Steffen says the school principal was called to the scene and the decision was made not to press any criminal charges and to handle it as an internal matter.

Superintendent Little-Kaumo said today that seniors were reminded throughout the year of the standards and expectations for senior students. Part of those expectations include following the “No Senior Pranks” rule.

Any behavior problem and consequence of those actions are outlined in the student handbook, Little-Kaumo said.

Possible consequences include not being able to participate in school activities.

“The consequences for not participating in activities will look different depending on what time of year you’re at,” said Little-Kaumo.

The most recent senior “town hall” meeting took place on May 9th, and Little-Kaumo says seniors were reminded of their expectations during that meeting.

The “No Senior Pranks” rule is one that the school has begun pushing to ensure student safety.

“In the past there have been things that either get damaged or people get hurt, and we don’t want that for any of our students,” said Little-Kaumo.

Seniors are provided a Senior Sendoff, which Little-Kaumo says provides a time for seniors to have fun and let their hair down.

Green River High School Graduation takes place at 7 p.m. on Monday at GRHS.