RSPD Property And Evidence Section Awarded Accreditation

Photo Provided By RSPD

Photo Provided By RSPD

Rock Springs Police Department’s Property and Evidence Section is now accredited through the International Association for Property and Evidence, Inc. (IAPE). The RSPD recently annonced the accreditation in a press release. 300x250_RMB

Starting the week of January 4th, 2016, an IAPE representative came to Rock Springs Police Department to audit the processes and procedures currently utilized in the property and evidence division. Months later on April 25th, IAPE announced that the Property and Evidence Section has been awarded full IAPE Accreditation status, being the first in the state of Wyoming to achieve such an accreditation.

The Rock Springs Police Department is the latest law enforcement agency to achieve this designation and joins only five other agencies that have also completed the rigorous IAPE screening process and have been accredited.

“The citizens of Rock Springs should be justifiably proud of the efforts of Chief Dwane Pacheco and his staff for the outstanding work that they are doing in the area of the preservation, storage, accountability, security and disposal of property and evidence by their agency,” said IAPE President Steve Campbell.

The award of the IAPE Accreditation was the result of a multi-step process that included the assessment of the Rock Springs Police Department’s written directives and policies, an in-depth review of the processes and procedures used by the department regarding property and evidence that are submitted to or seized by the agency, and an on-site visit by the IAPE Accreditation Team to observe the operations.  All of the aspects of the assessment are based upon the Professional Standards that have been promulgated by the IAPE.

Chief Pacheco acknowledged the outstanding efforts of Evidence Technician Sandy Cleveland who manages the Property and Evidence Unit of the department, and Division Commanders Matt Keslar and Clark Robinson who work with Sandy.