Burglary At First Choice Ford, Reward Offered

The Rock Springs Police Department has confirmed a burglary at First Choice Ford in Rock Springs over the weekend.300x250_RMB

A burglary was reported at First Choice Ford at about 9:30 last night, according to police reports. Sales Director Deric Keller says the crime would have occurred sometime between Staurday night and 8 p.m. Sunday.


Keller added that some customer information was stolen. At least two people’s files are missing, and they have been contacted.

Keller says if people are concerned about their credit information being jeopardized, they may contact Experian.com to put a freeze on their credit or to ask for a consumer statement on their credit which will prevent anyone from extending credit for that person until they call a specified phone number. Keller says First Choice Ford will reimburse the $10 credit freeze, and the consumer statement is provided for free.

The burglars stole over 60 keys for 30 cars. First Choice Ford is in the process of unprogramming the keys that were stolen and reprogramming keys for the impacted vehciles. The keys alone were valued at about $300 a piece.

In addition, laptops, iPads, and other electronics were stolen.

Keller says it is currently unclear how the burglar(s) gained entry into the building, but notes doors were kicked in after they were inside.

First Choice Ford is currently doing a full audit and informing those whose information may have been stolen. The audit should be completed by the end of the day.

The burglary is currently under investigation by the Rock Springs Police Department.