Enzi’s Discusses Recipe for a Good Small Business Retirement Plan

Washington, D.C. – There should be hope for the future even after you retire. A good retirement plan can help, but for employees of small businesses this can be more difficult than it is for larger employers and their employees.

U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., believes making retirement plans less complicated, less intimidating and less expensive for small businesses could go a long way to help retirees. He said allowing more small businesses to join together to better manage retirement plans is the answer, but this will require the federal government to take a step back and give businesses more flexibility.

As Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security, Enzi invited Jackson, Wyoming small business owner and U.S. Chamber of Commerce representative Scott Anderson, AARP and others with retirement knowledge to sit down and discuss the issue.

Enzi suggested that a bipartisan solution to help enhance retirement security for employees could be achieved by allowing the expansion of Multiple Employer Plans, which allow small businesses to join together to make retirement plans easier to manage and significantly less expensive.

“It seems to me that access to Multiple Employer Plans can and should be broadened to provide small businesses with administrative simplicity with regard to retirement benefits,” Enzi said.

Click here to access the roundtable in its entirety.