UW Extension Offers Resources to Help Property Owners Contend with Wildfire

(OCTOBER 20, 2015) — Information that could help landowners and homeowners before, during, and after wildfires is available from the University of Wyoming Extension.

“Dry and windy conditions around the state have had many of us thinking about wildfire, whether we live in forested or grass lands,” said Jennifer Thompson, small-acreage issue team coordinator with UW Extension. “If this is on your mind, you may want to review your wildfire damage prevention and evacuation plans. We have some resources that can help get you started making a plan or help you review your current plan.

“Information at http://bit.ly/wildfirewise includes a 48-page guide “Living with Wildfire in Wyoming” that can be viewed or downloaded. Its individual stories are also available for viewing or download. Topics include creating defensible space around a property, animal evacuation plans, homeowner or business insurance checkup, firewise landscaping, reducing wildfire risks and more.

Hardcopy versions are in many local UW Extension offices around the state. Extension has offices in every county and the Wind River Reservation.

For more information, contact Thompson at 307-745-3698 or UW Extension offices.