UW Freshman and Full-Time Enrollment Spurs Increase on Campus

October 13, 2015 — Fueled by increases in new freshmen and full-time students, the University of Wyoming’s enrollment on the Laramie campus is up from last year, according to fall 2015 enrollment numbers.

Some 10,542 students are enrolled on the Laramie campus, compared with 10,520 in fall 2014, according to census data collected on the 15th day of classes. That reflects increases in new freshmen (1,695, up from 1,573) and full-time students (9,881, up from 9,783).

Those increases didn’t quite offset decreases in part-time and off-campus enrollments, resulting in a slight drop in the university’s overall enrollment, which stands at 12,841, down from 12,932 last year. But the census data indicate positive trends in several significant areas.

“Our Laramie campus headcount continues to increase, and the increases in new freshmen and full-time students bode well for the future,” says Sara Axelson, vice president for student affairs. “Combined with recent steady increases in our retention of students from their first to second years, the numbers ultimately point to increased graduation rates and degree production.”

Of the 1,554 new full-time freshmen enrolled at UW in fall 2014, 76.3 percent returned to UW for their second year — an increase of nearly 1 percent from last year, and up from a rolling five-year average of 74.9 percent.

Following are other highlights from the fall 2015 enrollment report. The 15th class day is used because it falls after the class drop/add deadlines, and after the first tuition and fee payment is due.

— The number of new Wyoming resident freshmen increased by 31 to 888, while new nonresident freshmen went up by 91 to 807.

— Among resident freshmen, the largest gains came from Campbell County (up 39, or 114.7 percent) and Sweetwater County (up 24, or 92.3 percent).

— Among nonresident freshmen, the largest gain came from Colorado (up 52, or 14.4 percent).

— Enrollment in UW’s College of Engineering and Applied Science increased by 141 to 2,066, a 7.3 percent increase.

— Total nonresident student enrollment increased by 161 to 4,223.

— Racial and ethnic minority students increased by 41 to 1,495, comprising 11.6 percent of the student population. That percentage is larger among undergraduate students, with the 1,305 racial and ethnic minority students — a 3.4 percent increase from last year — making up 13 percent of the undergraduate student body.

— Despite the decrease in total enrollment, credit hour production is consistent with last fall at 153,517 credit hours.

— The Outreach School headcount decreased by 113 to 2,299 students, with additional enrollment of professional development students expected by the end of the semester.

For additional information or questions about UW enrollment, contact Axelson at [email protected] or (307) 766-5123. Students interested in scheduling campus visits should contact UW Admissions at 800-DIAL-WYO or go online at www.uwyo.edu/admissions/visit.

UW Crowd

UW Photograph: Members of UW’s freshman class form a “W” on Prexy’s Pasture at the start of the fall 2015 semester. UW’s new freshmen enrollment of 1,695 is up from 1,573 last fall.