Wyoming Office of Homeland Security Encourages Participation in Wyoming Shake Out

(Cheyenne, Wyo.) – The Wyoming Office of Homeland Security encourages residents to participate in the Wyoming Shake Out, which will be conducted on Oct. 15, 2015.

The Shake Out focuses on earthquake preparedness for families, individuals, business organizations and government agencies across the state. The drill will begin at 10:15 a.m. and participants are encouraged to “Drop, Cover and Hold On.”

“I encourage all residents to participate and use this event to learn more about how to prepare for earthquakes,” Guy Cameron, director of the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security said. “Participating is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive – and recover quickly from earthquakes– wherever you live, work, or travel.”

It is estimated that more than 15 million people worldwide will participate in the 2015 Shake Out exercise. Participants can register for the event at www.shakeout.org/wyoming.

Participants and organizers can access additional resources on the website. There’s even a short audio and video which can be played during the drill. Personalized certificates of participation can also be downloaded and printed.

Interested participants who cannot take part during the scheduled Shake Out can determine an alternate time to take part in the activities.

For more information, contact the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security at  307-777-4914.