Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust Names New Director

CHEYENNE — The Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust announces the appointment of Bo Alley as Acting Director.  Alley will take over the reins from Pamela Dewell in mid-October after her seven years at the helm of one of the largest regional land trusts in the United States.  “I am proud of the conservation I have helped to accomplish in Wyoming and am grateful to the many visionary landowners who have chosen to work with the Stock Growers Land Trust,” said Dewell, who is credited with more than doubling the acreage of working ranch lands conserved in perpetuity by the organization during her tenure.  “I can’t think of a more qualified successor than Bo and know that the Stock Growers Land Trust will be in good hands.”

A Wyoming native, Alley’s family has deep roots in Wyoming ranching and agriculture.  His great-grandfather Jim Grieve began ranching in Natrona County in 1893 on the historic UC Ranch.  Later the Grieves purchased and operated the Diamond Ring and the Dumbbell Ranch Company.  On his father’s side, his grandfather Ralph Alley managed the John Hay sheep company and was very active in the Wyoming sheep industry.

Bo spent his infant years on a family ranch in the Sybille Canyon between Wheatland and Laramie.  He has a deep appreciation for Wyoming’s culture and values and looks forward to working with Wyoming farmers and ranchers to help preserve and perpetuate the Wyoming way of life.  Bo holds a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management from Colorado State University.  Prior to joining the Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust he worked in energy development and the commercial construction industry.

The Stock Growers Land Trust is dedicated to conservation through ranching. Based in Cheyenne, the non-profit organization serves the entire state and is Wyoming’s only agricultural land trust. Through partnerships with ranch families, the Stock Growers Land Trust holds and stewards conservation easements on more than 218,000 acres of land on ranches and farms throughout Wyoming.  Founded in 2000 by the 140-year-old Wyoming Stock Growers Association, it is one of the largest among the 1,659 regional land trusts in the United States. For more information, visit www.wsgalt.org.